Education & Leadership

Support & Education: In the Community

Educating the Community About Ovulation Predictor Kits

Aspire HFI fertility specialist Dr. Alexa Clapp explains how ovulation predictor kits work and provides recommendations about when to see a fertility specialist in an ABC13 interview.

Walk of Hope

The Walk of Hope is a day for the infertility community and those that care about them to come together and raise awareness. People of all ages can participate as a walker or donor and raise awareness of how the disease of infertility impacts families nationwide. Funds raised from the Walk support local programming which includes support groups and educational events, public awareness initiatives, and advocacy efforts to ensure all family building options are available to all.

The annual Walk of Hope is held in the Spring.

For more information about the Texas Walk of Hope, visit

Advocacy Day

Aspire HFI is a huge supporter of the Family Act bill every year. We do more than just support this important bill, we actually commit to going to go to Washington DC every year to speak with our congressmen and tell them how our patients and the rest of Americans, deserve this tax credit! We do this because we want you to know that at Aspire HFI, the patient’s needs come first! What we do while in Washington DC on Advocacy Day... All of the providers at Aspire HFI are so committed to this event that they work together to allow time off for Dr. Jason Griffith to personally attend this worthy event every year. Advocacy Day was started by Resolve – an infertility awareness, non profit organization. One of the main focuses of Advocacy Day is the Family Act. The Family Act was a bill proposed in May of 2011 by Senator Kristin Gillibrand of NY to create a tax credit for out of pocket expenses associated with IVF. The passing of this bill would be huge for the entire fertility community and would allow more people to have access to fertility treatment that otherwise financially would not be possible. The Family Act would give up to a $13,000 tax credit, not a deduction but a credit! This bill would also assist in changing the way the government sees infertility and would help in recognizing that financials should never be the determining factor in wanting a family.

The Woodlands Mothers of Multiples

The Woodlands Mothers of Multiples is a non-profit, non-political, and non-discriminatory organization. We are here to provide mothers of multiple birth children the opportunity of meeting with others who share their interests, and through planned programs assist each other by offering help, encouragement, suggestions, and ideas whenever possible.

Built by patients, for patients

Contact us today if you’re ready to take the next step in your fertility journey.