Aspire HFI Blog

Everything You Wanted to Know About Egg Donation in Houston

Posted on July 28th, 2022

Each year, thousands of families rely on the help of egg donors to have a child, including those who are facing infertility, single aspiring parents, and LGBTQ+ couples. Without the generosity of egg donors, these couples and individuals wouldn’t be able to achieve their family-building dreams.

For many young women, becoming an egg donor is an amazing opportunity. Not only do egg donors help change lives by making it possible for others to have a child, but they are also compensated for the time and effort they dedicate to the process. There is a lot that you should know about the process before you begin. If you’re from Houston and interested in donating your eggs, read on to learn everything you need to know.

The Requirements for Becoming an Egg Donor in Houston

It may surprise you to know that there are strict requirements that must be met in order for someone to become an egg donor. These requirements help to ensure that the egg donation experience is healthy, safe, and positive for both donors and intended parents. It’s essential that egg donor candidates be in good physical and mental health before being accepted into an egg donor program. Some of the most common egg donor requirements include:

  • Being between the ages of 21 – 30
  • Having a healthy BMI
  • No genetic or inheritable diseases
  • Good reproductive health
  • Not taking certain forms of birth control
  • Being willing and able to commit to scheduled appointments

Any person who is thinking about donating their eggs must first consider these requirements before submitting an application. Once the application has been accepted, candidates undergo a series of screening tests to determine their physical and mental health status. If the candidate passes these screenings, they will be accepted into the egg donation program.

The Egg Donation Process

Once a candidate is accepted into an egg donation program, profiles containing information about the donor’s physical characteristics, career, education, hobbies, interests, personality, and other details are created. The profiles may also include pictures. They do not contain full names or contact information. These profiles are used to help intended parents identify an egg donor that is best suited for their family-building needs.

As an egg donor, you will have the option of choosing between a fresh or frozen egg donation cycle. The main difference between these two options is timing. In a fresh egg donor cycle, the egg donor’s and recipient’s menstrual cycles are synchronized using birth control so that the egg can be quickly fertilized and transferred to the recipient’s uterus. In a frozen cycle, the donor’s eggs are retrieved and frozen to be fertilized and transferred at a later time, which eliminates the need for synchronization.

Whether you’re participating in a fresh or frozen cycle, the egg donation process is pretty much the same. Egg donors begin by taking hormonal medications that are self-administered via injection. These medications stimulate egg production so that you develop multiple eggs in a single ovulation cycle. While you are taking these medications, you will attend regular appointments at the clinic to assess and monitor egg development.

Once the eggs have reached the desired level of maturation, you will be instructed to give yourself a trigger shot, which will trigger the ovaries to release the eggs, and you will be scheduled for the egg retrieval procedure. During the procedure, you will be placed under light sedation while the doctor carefully retrieves the eggs using a transvaginal ultrasound and an aspirating needle. Because of the use of sedation, you will need to arrange for someone to take you home after the procedure is completed.

After retrieval, you will likely feel some bloating and/or soreness for the next day or so, so plan to take one to two days off to rest. These symptoms should be mild to moderate and go away on their own. However, if you experience any severe symptoms, such as intense nausea, rapid weight gain, shortness of breath, significant abdominal swelling, and pain, contact your doctor immediately, as these symptoms may be a sign of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS can sometimes occur when taking hormonal medications and is mostly mild but can be serious.

Become an Egg Donor in Houston Today

If you believe that you are a good candidate to become an egg donor in Houston and are ready to take the next steps, connect with Aspire Houston Fertility Institute today or fill out an application. Our case managers can guide you on your path by answering any questions you may have.

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