Houston Fertility Institute Supports 2016 Texas Walk of Hope

Sponsoring and participating in the 2016 Texas Walk of Hope, Houston Fertility Institute proudly supported RESOLVE and the 7.3 million people, including 580,552 in Texas, impacted by infertility. The 4th annual event held April 24th at Sugar Land Town Square brought together more than 650 Houston-area people to increase awareness of the struggles with fertility so many couples endure.
The Walk of Hope, held each year in locations across the nation, is the signature fundraising event for RESOLVE: The National Fertility Association. Funds raised help support RESOLVE’s programs and services, including support groups, online information, public awareness initiatives and advocacy efforts to ensure options for family building are available to everyone.
HFI was a top-level Presenting Sponsor at the 2016 Texas Walk of Hope. Physicians and staff from HFI’s Houston area locations welcomed the opportunity to participate in the emotional event.
Dr. Jason Yeh, infertility specialist and Director of Patient Education for Houston Fertility Institute, said the event is important to all of HFI’s doctors, patients and staff. One reason he loves the Walk of Hope is because it provides an opportunity to bring everybody together.
“We really get to see patients from the very beginning of the process and the middle of the process, and sometimes even families that have gone through the entire process,” he says, “and they can really celebrate the joy of what fertility treatment can do now for patients.”
Dr. Ryan Steward, Director of Third Party Reproduction at Houston Fertility Institute, says the reason the Walk of Hope is important to him as an HFI physician as well as to his patients and their families, is that it allows everyone to get together and share what they have in common.
“Infertility is a common thing and it affects a lot of people in similar ways,” he says.
Dr. Steward says Walk of Hope is a wonderful opportunity to get out and enjoy the city as people come together and bring out into the open what a problem infertility is for so many people, and how many resources there are available to help.
“It also allows us the opportunity to see the light at the end of the tunnel, if you will, from the standpoint that there are a lot of success stories out here, a lot of couples that are now families,” he says, “and I think that’s important as a reminder for so many patients, that this is overcomeable and possible.”