Third Party Reproduction

Third Party Reproduction

Donor Sperm

Some patients will need donor sperm in order to move forward on their path to parenthood. Donor sperm is most commonly recommended in cases where the male partner has a medical condition that has severely damaged sperm production, or in situations where there is no male partner (single female or same-sex female relationship). Whatever the case may be, our team of specialists at Aspire HFI regularly care for patients in every situation and stage of life.

For patients who will need donor sperm, Aspire HFI has a dedicated office that manages third party reproduction. If your provider recommends using donor sperm, our third party office will help you contact national sperm banks and talk to you about what you need to do before you begin treatment. We make it easy for patients to navigate the entire process from start to finish.

Choosing the right donor sperm sample is an important step on your journey; patients should be aware of all the medical and genetic implications of their choice before they choose their sample. Contact Aspire HFI today so we can help you learn about all the facts. If you have questions about donor sperm or feel like you would like to talk to one of our fertility specialists about this option, contact Aspire HFI for a consultation today.

Donor Egg

The fact is that some women need to turn to egg donation to help them get pregnant. Typically, this is because a woman is no longer able to produce eggs of her own either due to age or a medical condition. Other times, donor eggs are used in treating patients where there is no female partner. Whatever the case may be, Aspire HFI is here to help.

At Aspire HFI, we are proud to say that we are one of the few practices in the entire country and perhaps the world to maintain its own donor egg bank. Having an in-house egg bank means that Aspire HFI has already identified prospective egg donors, screened egg donors and retrieved their eggs at some time in the past. Our donor egg bank offers Aspire HFI patients an opportunity to become pregnant within a few short weeks of their consultation. At other fertility centers, the more common approach is that once a patient in need of egg donation is seen, anonymous egg donors are recruited by the practice and asked to synchronize their schedule in order for the donation to take place prior to the planned embryo transfer for the recipient. Logistically, this can be very complicated and may take anywhere from a week, months or even years to identify and screen the donor followed by ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval. At Aspire HFI, we know our patients have waited long enough to be parents, but don’t want to wait another 6-12 months before they are able to have their egg donor move through stimulation.

In order to understand why egg donation is effective, it is important for patients to understand the issue of egg quality and ovarian reserve. Most people know that a woman’s ability to have children is age dependent. The natural and expected decrease in fertility during a her 30s is caused by changes in a woman’s egg quality and quality because women, unlike men and sperm, are born with all the eggs they will ever have in her life. In fact, every woman is born with around 1 to 2 million eggs at birth and this number drops to approximately 400,000 by time they reach puberty. As a woman moves through her teen years and her reproductive life, the number of eggs will fall even further to just around 25,000 by the time she turns 37. Unfortunately, some women may have accelerated loss of eggs and carry a diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve. Whether the issue is advanced reproductive age or prematurely diminished ovarian reserve, fertility treatments are designed to maximize each woman’s fertility potential each month. However, some women may have ovarian reserve issues so severe that they will need to turn to donor eggs (oocytes) to help them become parents.

Egg donation is a very effective fertility treatment. If performed correctly, pregnancy rates can be as high as 60% to 70% per cycle, or even higher. The reasons why such outcomes are so high is because egg donors are specifically recruited while they are in their 20s when their egg quality is expected to be high. Even when a patient reaches her mid to late 40s (or even 50s), there are highly effective treatment options available to her.

At Aspire HFI, we know that your time is valuable. When our patients learn that they may need egg donation to have a realistic chance at pregnant, they may feel overwhelmed at first but are soon relieved to find out that our third party reproductive team is able to help them navigate the complex path to parenthood with ease.

If you feel like you are in need of egg donation or have questions about whether or not this is right for you, schedule a consultation with us and ask your provider which option is best for you.

Gestational Carriers

Gestational surrogacy is a fertility treatment where embryos that are created through IVF are transferred into a woman who is not related to the pregnancy. Surrogacy is most commonly needed when patients are either born without a uterus (or a severely abnormal uterus), have medical condition so serious that becoming pregnant may irreversibly damage or threaten a patient’s life, patients with multiple failed IVF cycles, or in same-sex male relationships. Despite it being a relatively uncommon treatment option, our team of specialists at Aspire HFI is highly trained in coordinating all the moving parts necessary in a successful gestational surrogacy treatment cycle.

Over the years, Aspire HFI has established good relationships with multiple highly reputable surrogacy agencies. Agencies are very important because both Aspire HFI and the agency will serve as “home base” for patients as they move through the screening, legal, fertility treatment, obstetric and delivery process. HFI will work with you and the agency to make sure that a prospective surrogate is not only someone who has had healthy pregnancies in the past but is also medically safe choice for you.

If you think you may need a gestational carrier or surrogate to help you on your path to parenthood, contact Aspire HFI for a consultation today.

Built by patients, for patients

Contact us today if you’re ready to take the next step in your fertility journey.